With the Olympics have just finished and the Paralympics about to start, its hard not to be in a medal frenzy. Every competitor aiming to achieve Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Gold, Silver and Bronze are not out of reach for all of us. We can have them everyday – with our Hair Colour!

Let me show you how you can achieve medal winning hair with your colour !!!


Bronze maybe the third on podium but with hair colour its one of the richest colours. It produces such a shine it can give a metallic glint on the hair.

The secret with a Bronze colour is when selecting the shade is not to go too dark or too light.

If its too Dark …….. The Bronze will get lost with the darkness loosing that metallic glow.

If the colour is too light ……… it will either glow an orangey tint or look faded and washed out.

The ideal shades for bronze is a dark to medium blonde.

Skin Tones that can carry Bronze are on the paler edge and also freckles can work with the Bronze colour giving that alternative Irish Colleen look.


Silver Definitely gives you that metallic shimmer of the hair.

It’s a very sought after colour for both male and female ……It can make any blonde look contemporary !!

Silver is one of the hardest tones to achieve …….. Fighting against not looking grey or one off the blue rinse brigade!!

Before you start even trying to add a silver tone the hair must be lighten to a very very pale blonde, if there is any trace of gold / yellow the silver will either disappear and do nothing our turn a strange hint of green.

The colour has to be exceptionally light to leave the silver nearly see through so it doesn’t become grey.

To up keep this silver tone is difficult and can fade easy but…..

HERO PRODUCT: Schwarzkopf Bonacure Color Save Silver Shampoo is excellent.

If you find your silver tone is fading leave the shampoo lathered up on 3-5 mins and it will refresh your toned!

Skin Tones that suit Silver are clear with icy blue eyes.

Giving an edge to any Nordic Blonde!!


Gold in Hair Colour is exactly as it is in it metal form ……. Luxurious and Lustrous !!

It is making a huge impact on the Blonde scene at the moment , Riching up and softening blondes making them multi-tonal.

Gold is extremely for blondes …….. Whether they be full heads or foils you can inject some gold into your life and colour !!

Going for gold in an all over blonde needs to be done subtly and gently always swaying to soft wheat tones so not to have overkill resulting in Brassy Blonde.

In foils / Lights introducing a golden blo

So now Gold, Silver and Bronze …… aren’t such hard work to achieve !!!

Blonde put through can totally change the dynamic  off the hair colour. It softens the whole look down giving that natural, effortless feel to the colour.

Any Shade of Blonde can introduce gold into their colour.

Skin tones that suit gold’s can vary from clear to tanned depending on the strength of gold.

So all blondes can radiate like they are top of the world.

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